BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions announced the appointment of Neil Pein as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective March 18, 2024. Pein succeeds Isabelle Loc, who has been promoted to Head of Commercial & Personal Banking in France and will join the BNP Paribas Executive Committee.

Pein, previously Head of Payments for BNP Paribas, brings extensive experience within the Group to his new role. He will report to Thierry Laborde, Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas and Head of Commercial, Personal Banking & Services (CPBS).

“With his extensive experience in the Group, Neil has all the qualities needed to support the development of Leasing Solutions, a business in which he knows the challenges and the teams. I’m sure that Neil will be able to take up the torch from Isabelle, who has successfully led the transformation of this business at the heart of the real economy,” said Thierry Laborde.

Neil Pein, 42, had held the position of Head of Payments for BNP Paribas since 2021, where he played a pivotal role in the business’s transformation. He rejoined the Group in 2018 and was instrumental in the creation of Axepta BNP Paribas, a business line serving retailers. Additionally, he spearheaded the development of “New Digital Business,” a unit that unites payment-related Fintechs within the Group, including Nickel, Floa, and Lyf.

Prior to BNP Paribas, Pein began his career in financial markets with Goldman Sachs. He joined BNP Paribas in 2007 as an equity derivatives trader before transitioning to the Group’s Financial Management department from 2013 to 2016. During this period, he focused on acquisitions, divestments, and capital optimization initiatives. In 2016, he was appointed Sales Director at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions for technology equipment leasing in France.

Neil Pein holds a Master of Science degree from New York University and is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique.

BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, den europæiske leder inden for finansiering af professionelt udstyr, annoncerer udnævnelsen af Andrey Maramzine som Chief Sustainability Officer med virkning fra den 2. maj 2022. I sin nye rolle indtræder Andrey i BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ direktion og vil referere til Isabelle Loc, CEO for BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions.

Som CSO vil Andrey få ansvaret for at opbygge, implementere og fremme BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ bæredygtighedsstrategi. Hans mission bliver at accelerere og strømline de eksisterende bæredygtighedsinitiativer, samtidig med at han udvikler yderligere strukturelle tiltag i samarbejde med interne og eksterne interessenter.

“At integrere bæredygtighed i alle aspekter af vores forretning og støtte vores kunder og partnere i deres energiomstilling samt øge deres positive indvirkning er en topprioritet for BNP Paribas-koncernen og BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions. Oprettelsen af CSO-rollen vidner om den strategiske betydning for vores virksomhed, og med Andrey ved roret, vil vi kunne accelerere vores ambitioner takket være hans lederskab og kompetencer,” udtaler Isabelle Loc, CEO for BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions.

Andrey kom første gang til BNP Paribas i 2005. Siden november 2018 har han været Equity and Investment Financial Analyst med ESG-ekspertise i Economics and Strategy-forskningsafdelingen hos CIB Global Markets. Han er fast medlem af French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF) og er Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) fra European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies. Derudover har han opnået CFA Certificate in ESG Investing fra CFA Institute.

Andrey er uddannet fra HEC Paris og Sciences-Po Paris.